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10 search results for: walking health benefits


Beautiful health benefits of walking

If the shoe fits, then put it on and go for a walk. At least we think that’s how that saying should go! Walking is one of the best things we can do for our overall physical and mental health. Coincidentally, it’s also the most accessible form of exercise available. No fancy equipment or gym […]


Pilates, Its Benefits, and How to Find Beginner Classes Near You

Including movement into your daily routine can help promote better bone and muscle health by building strength and endurance. You have many options when it comes to exercise, including walking, swimming, and Pilates. 

Many people have a preconceived idea that Pilates is only for young, extremely fit people, but the reality is that Pilates is suitable for all bodies at any stage of life. At MOVE Wellness, we’ve helped both men and women of all ages (including clients in their sixties and seventies!) incorporate Pilates into their routine to safely strengthen their body and support life’s activities. 

Whether you want to workout in the comfort of your home or visit a studio, there’s a Pilates class or session that can fit your unique fitness needs and goals.

3 senior men doing Pilates Reformer arm exercises

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a system designed to help you strengthen and mobilize your body. There are a variety of exercises that target strength and mobility for the whole body, always initiating with the core. They can be done on a mat or Pilates equipment strategically designed to allow for the fullest expression of movement. Some pieces of equipment you would likely find in a Pilates session include the Reformer, Cadillac, chair, and barrel.

What is mat Pilates?

Mat Pilates exercises require you to stabilize your body without equipment and tend to focus more on core work. You can practice the original 34 Pilates exercises in this classic Pilates mat sequence

Interested in learning more? Try online mat Pilates classes with a 14-day trial of our livestream classes!

What is reformer Pilates?

Reformer Pilates is done on a rolling platform with springs that add resistance to your Pilates workout. Springs can be added or taken away to provide different levels of resistance as the platform, called the “carriage,” is pushed or pulled along the frame. 

Working on the Pilates reformer allows for more dynamic movement that can train many parts of the body in different ways. Reformer parts can also be adjusted to your body size and level of skill, so it’s a great option for beginners!

Want to give Reformer Pilates a try? If you live in the Ann Arbor area, you can take a small group Reformer Pilates class at our studio. These classes are limited to six students for more personalized attention.

What are the benefits of doing Pilates exercises?

Pilates can help strengthen the body and improve stability and peripheral mobility. These improved fitness levels can help prevent injury and give you greater ease of movement through a full range.

This system can also relieve low back pain and the postural effects of sitting. It is a safe weight-bearing exercise that can mitigate symptoms of osteoporosis/osteopenia, and there is mounting research that Pilates supports a number of pathologies, postural issues, and is an effective method for whole body strengthening.

Whatever your conditioning goal, Pilates is an efficient, effective, and safe way to increase your flexibility, develop your core, and release tension.

Two Senior Women Doing Pilates With Trainer

Which is better, Pilates or yoga?

Pilates and yoga both have benefits for those who practice it, regardless of age or experience level. The practice that works best for you will depend on your individual fitness goals. The benefits of yoga, for example, include stress reduction, increased blood circulation, flexibility, strength, improved sleep patterns and relaxation.

Beginning a Pilates practice

Starting a new movement system can feel intimidating. At MOVE Wellness, we take the time to learn about you 一 including your current fitness level, goals, and any limitations or injuries you may have 一 so we can support you on your personal fitness journey. We can then make recommendations about which classes or private trainers would work best for your unique situation.

For example, our livestream and in-studio Pilates classes are organized into six levels to help our clients move confidently and comfortably through their personal fitness journey: Gentle, Intro, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Advanced. Most of our clients start with beginner Pilates classes so they can learn the foundational principles, which are designed to layer and build on each other as the student progresses.

2 women doing online fitness classes on a mat in their living room

You also have the option of private sessions, where you work one on one with a trainer who will create a custom workout to help you achieve your goals and provide support, motivation, and accountability. These are available both virtually and in-person.

Regardless of whether you’re alone or in a group, you will be led by a member of our experienced team. We’re proud to have some of the most experienced movement trainers, fitness instructors and coaches in Ann Arbor, who will work with you to bring out the very best in your body. Our trainers are credentialed in their areas of expertise and will even work in partnership with other health experts in your life, including doctors and physical therapists, to ensure your workouts are safe and highly effective.

Ready to get started? Our introductory session includes an intake assessment, 50-minute private session, and customized movement recommendation plan, as well as a 14 day trial of our livestream classes. Clients who would prefer a small-group class are invited to try an introductory class.

MOVE Trainer Mary Falcon teaching a livestream Pilates class

Pilates classes near you

The MOVE Wellness fitness studio is conveniently located on Jackson Road near I-94 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 

We also offer a number of online options for clients who don’t live nearby or who prefer to workout at home. These include:

  • Private training — available in-studio or virtually via Zoom.
  • Small-group classes — our Pilates Essentials Class ($29) is a fun, safe space to try something new. 
  • Livestream classes — over 30+ professional studio classes, including Pilates, yoga, barre, and more. This gives you a variety of fresh content each session to stave off boredom, and the motivating energy of live instruction to keep you moving.
  • MOVE On Demand — pre-recorded class content, no television provider needed. Access your content whenever you want.
  • MOVE Wellness on YouTube — a wide variety of free workouts on Pilates, yoga, and special topics like mobility.


Start Your Pilates Practice



4 Simple Ways to Be Heart Healthy

Simple Ways to Be Heart Healthy This content was originally published February 2018 and has been updated February 11, 2021. Did you know one in five heart attacks goes unnoticed? Meaning, the damage done to your arteries has happened without any prevalent symptoms, which can make someone even more susceptible to future heart attacks . […]


MOVE Franklin Method Classes Ann Arbor

Learning the Franklin Method® at Move Wellness Ann Arbor We are happy to announce that we now offer Franklin Method® classes. To quote founder Eric Franklin, “The Franklin Method® does not teach a set of exercises, instead it teaches how our practice of everyday movements; Thinking, sitting, standing and walking, what we call functional movements, […]


5 Tips for Starting Pilates and Trusting the Process

Starting out with Pilates: How to trust the process (and why you should) We’re living in a “now” focused world. We can get groceries delivered in an hour and almost anything we want on our doorstep within a day or two. Google “five minute abs” and you’ll see dozens of workouts promising instant success. Starting […]


Mindful Movement: How to Create Routines to Improve Well-Being

Mindful movement habits to support our mental well-being Confession: I am a movement nerd. But developing a mindful movement practice doesn’t mean you have to be too! I’ve spent decades thinking about physical movement and how to help more people incorporate it into their daily lives in positive, productive ways. Whether I’m teaching a Pilates […]


Pilates for the lumbar spine

Stephanie Oldre started the MOVE instructor training program in 2017 after falling in love with Pilates and what it did for her body. That same year, she had x-rays taken of her back showing hyperlordosis, an exaggerated curve of the lumbar spine. Two years later, she’s celebrating a new and very different image of her […]


MOVE Wellness Now Offers Nutrition Coaching Services

Sarah Baruch, M.D. tells the story about how she discovered food could be a better remedy than the drugs she was prescribing. For a limited time, Dr. Baruch will be offering a three-session Nourishment for Everyday Living nutrition coaching package at MOVE Wellness Studios to help our clients understand how to eat for optimal health. […]


Massage as Medicine

The Benefits of a Winter Massage

Originally taught and practiced by physicians, massage is regarded as one of the most ancient forms of medicine. The healing nature of massage continues to hold true in the age of scientism of medical drugs. Today, more and more disillusioned health professionals—physical/occupational therapists, chiropractors, DO’s—make inquiries into the healing wisdoms of the past and seek training in various massage and bodywork modalities.  There is growing evidence that therapeutic touch often produces tangible results when other conventional methods fail.

Comparing to other medical research, therapeutic touch is starkly underfunded science, yet the data on its practical health benefits continues to mount up. Massage and other bodywork techniques are known to:

  • Alleviate depression and anxiety due to demonstrated release of happy hormones endorphins
  • Improve self-image.
  • Support recovery from psychological stress and trauma – the research program in CranioSacral Therapy launched by Upledger Foundation and The Ricky Williams Foundation has now brought hope to victims of chronic traumatic encephalopathy – the widespread diagnosis among athletes and soldiers that otherwise has no known cure.
  • Ramp up sluggish circulation of blood and lymph, normalizing the blood pressure and eliminating toxins.
  • Enhance digestion and quality of sleep.
  • Boost post-operative recovery and wound healing.
  • Massage and associated neuromuscular techniques are incredibly beneficial for joint health and mobility.

Science is still in the very beginning of uncovering the rationale behind the intuitive wisdom of the many healing practices of the past, including therapeutic touch. In my most recent read, “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart”, the author Thomas Cowan, MD, dismantles the idea of a living heart being a mere blood propulsion system; he calls it a spiritual and energy-giving organ. While explaining the alternative mechanism of blood propulsion, Cowan offers an interesting insight on the benefits of the human touch. According to the author, the propulsion of the blood occurs when positively charged water component of the blood is repelled and advanced towards the heart by the negatively charged hydrophilic surface formed by the blood water on the inner surface of the blood vessels. Walking barefoot on Earth and exposure to sunshine will increase the negative charge of the inner surface of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. What is important to our conversation today is that the third crucial way to increase the negative charge of the inner blood vessels is through human touch.

Aging, living without a partner, and the very fact of the hectic pace of the modern life are factors that put us at a risk of upsetting body’s healthful electricity.  During the upcoming winter season, when we are so limited in the ability to walk on Earth with our bare feet or to expose our skin to the sun, give yourself a gift of a regular massage at MOVE Wellness Studios to enhance your health and replenish your energy!

Oksana McGettigan, MS, CMT, NHE, MOVE Wellness Studios Massage Therapist