2017 MOVE Gratitude Challenge: Interview with Paula

The Gratitude Challenge has just started! Running from November 1st–21st, it’s a lot of fun, but there’s a reason we call it a challenge! We asked Paula, last year’s winner, to tell us about her experience and share some of her tips to help you do your best.

MOVE Wellness Studios Gratitude Challenge WinnerWhat are you grateful for?  I am grateful for my family and my health.  9 years ago I developed an autoimmune disease, which among other symptoms, caused muscle weakness.  It took years of work to get my strength back, but I am now much more physically fit than before I became ill.  I still have the illness but it is managed well with medications. I have a husband and 10 children, who are amazing and keep me young. They also motivate me to stay healthy so that I can have fun with them!

How did you stay motivated to attend class everyday and win last year’s Gratitude Challenge? Last year I was motivated to win the challenge because I wanted to give the package as a gift to my daughter who was recovering from a severe health crisis.  Since I already attend most days, I just made sure that I didn’t skip–no “days off” or excuses to myself.

Do you have any tips for someone who may not have participated in the challenge before?  Try new classes! Even if they seem too hard, it’s okay to try.  Take more than one class a day.  I often do a harder pilates or barre class followed by a stretching type class like yoga  or gyrokinesis.  If you don’t normally go to weekend classes, do that.  If you work during the day, try an evening class. Even if you don’t want to commit to a class every Wednesday evening, the challenge is only 3 weeks!

Join us in celebrating our gratitude for a fit and healthy body by participating in the MOVE Wellness Studios Gratitude Challenge. Prepare your body, mind and spirit to launch a focused and conscious holiday season and jump-start a routine for your most fit and happy self. To participate, simply take as many classes or private sessions as you can in from November 1-21st. You’ll be entered in a drawing to win weekly prizes and the Grand Prize of a $100 Gift Card to give to someone you’re grateful for or use for yourself!

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