Tag Archive for: MOVE Wellness Studios Fitness

MOVE Wellness Studios Intern Daria Newell is our guest blogger this week and shares some important information on fitness and heart health.

Did you know that February is American Heart Month? You already gave your Valentine lots of love earlier this month, so now it’s time to give your own heart some extra attention. Why? Read on…

Heart disease kills one in four men and women each year. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US and also the leading cause of death worldwide. This is why it’s so important to stay updated on the latest physical activity recommendations for cardiovascular health, and understand how you can incorporate these guidelines into your regular exercise routine.

For overall cardiovascular health, the American Heart Association recommends that adults should get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week, or at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity at least 3 days per week. It is also recommended that adults do muscle–strengthening activities that involve all the major muscle groups at least 2 days per week .

How do MOVE Wellness Studios’s exercise classes tie into these recommendations?

Aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, biking, or jogging increases your heart rate, makes your heart stronger, and therefore decreases your risk of a heart attack or stroke. If you’d rather get your aerobic workout at the studio, try incorporating our Total Barre, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or Power Pilates classes into your weekly routine.

Pilates, with or without equipment, is an excellent way to strengthen major muscle groups, as well as the Yoga, TRX, and Total Barre classes. GYROTONIC training and GYROKINESIS are other options that increase your strength. Remember – the AHA recommends a minimum of 2 times each week for this type of exercise!

It’s important to note that stress is another factor that may be related to heart disease. Chronic stress that causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure may damage the artery walls . Any form of exercise can help relieve stress, especially exercise you enjoy. Yoga, in particular, is great for stress relief. If you are experiencing a heavy amount of stress, massage therapy and wellness coaching can help you as well.

At MOVE Wellness Studios, we want to help you live your best life. Take this month to ensure your heart is healthy, one move at a time. Not sure which class is right for you? Schedule a Private Introductory Session and one of our expert trainers will be happy to guide you.

https://www.goredforwomen.org/live-healthy/stress_management/stress-heart-disease/American American